Corporate Power Of The International Jew

JEWS HAVE WORLD-WIDE CONTROL of the major global Corporations. Thus the “International Jew” has the entire world in an economic stranglehold.
The underpinning of all major Multi-National Corporations begins with the Rothschild Banking & Mining interests:
* Rothschild Group: Headquartered in London. Finances (in their words) “governments, corporations throughout the world” Here. The Rothschild Group has 47 offices world wide which include New York, Washington DC, Paris, Frankfort, Amsterdam, Rome, Johannesburg, Tel Aviv, Tokyo, Madrid, and Hong Kong.
~ Under David René James de Rothschild, (b 1942), son of Guy de Rothschild (1909-2007), the Rothschild Group controls governments, (the USA through the privately-owned Federal Reserve System), financial institutions, mining industries, and Multi-National Corporations throughout the world.
* De Beers Mining: Headquartered in Zurich Switzerland. Mines both gold and diamonds primarily in South Africa. (De Beers will not officially admit to “gold mining” because they fear accusations of being in control of the “gold standard.”)
~ Offices world-wide include London, Johannesburg, Canada, Australia, Angola, India, and Brazil. Again, the Jew David René James de Rothschild is Chairman Here. The Jew Nicky Oppenheimer is Co-Chairman Here.
~ Not only do the Rothschilds control the mining of South African gold through De Beers, they also control its price. In London, all gold bullion passes through the hands of three Jewish firms who govern the price of gold from day to day. These are N. M. Rothschild & Sons, Mocatta & Goldsmid, and Samuel Montagu & Co Here.
~ Together with the Oppenheimer family, the Rothshilds through their French subsidiary Imetal S.A. once again, under David René James de Rothschild, have mining interests not only in iron, platinum, copper, zinc, tin, and coal throughout the world Here, Here & Here

JESUS CHRIST SAID, “Man does not live on bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” (St Matthew 4). But the International Jew does not believe this.
Here are 2 Jewish corporations that live on “bread & oil” alone:
* Louis Dreyfus Global: Headquartered in Zurich Switzerland as Banque Louis-Dreyfus. Multi-billion dollar international grain exporter. Expansion industries include citrus, sugar, coffee, non ferrous metals, chemicals, shipping, natural gas, and Real Estate Here
~ Louis Dreyfus Global has over 300 offices world wide which include Paris, London, Singapore, Buenos Aires, Wilton Connecticut, and Memphis Tennessee. Senior Executives are of the closed Jewish family of Louis-Dreyfus - Gerard, Philippe, and Robert. The Jew Jeffrey I. Sussman oversees Louis-Dreyfus International Real Estate Holdings from his NY office in Manhattan.
* Royal Dutch Shell: Manufacturer & Distributor of oil, gas, & petrochemicals. Headquartered in the Hague Amsterdam. Has offices in 140 countries world wide with over 112,000 employees.
~ Principal owners are the Rothschilds who in 1912 bought four million shares in Royal Dutch Petroleum and a quarter of a million pounds worth of shares in Shell Trading Company Here & Here.

THE JEW MICHAEL RUBENS BLOOMBERG (born February 14, 1942), now Mayor of New York City, is a multi-billionaire. He gained his wealth as the founder of Bloomberg L.P in 1981, a financial news and data company. Before 1981, Bloomberg was a partner at the Wall Street Jewish investment bank, Salomon Brothers, now Citigroup.
Bloomberg made his fortune with his Bloomberg L.P by providing financial software tools such as analytics and equity trading platform, data services and news to financial institutions around the world through the BLOOMBERG TERMINAL Here.
What does all of this mean? Nothing less than a multi-billionaire Jew in the Jewish controlled center of the world, New York City, having international access to every Jewish financial mogul around the globe!
Indeed, the International Jew, whose chief loyalty is to his own, NOT his host nation, works within a world-wide Jewish financial cartel. In other words, Jews stick together, work together, and scheme together¦
By Brother Nathanael Kapner
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