Federal Reserve: A Private Zionist Jewish Bank Strangling

ZIONIST JEWS CONTROL THE MONEY in America. Zionist Jews own & run the Federal Reserve Bank that the US government continually borrows from and is in debt to.
Napoleon said:
— “When a government is dependent for money upon the bankers, they and not the government leaders control the nation. This is because the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Financiers are without patriotism and without decency.” —
The Federal Reserve Bank is a consortium of 9 Jewish-owned & associated banks with the Rothschilds at the head:
$1. Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin
$2. Lazard Brothers Banks of Paris
$3. Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
$4. Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam
$5. Lehman Brothers of NY
$6. Kuhn, Loeb Bank of NY (Now Shearson American Express)
$7. Goldman, Sachs of NY
$8. National Bank of Commerce NY/Morgan Guaranty Trust (J. P. Morgan Bank - Equitable Life - Levi P. Morton are principal shareholders)
$9. Hanover Trust of NY (William and David Rockefeller & Chase National Bank NY are principal shareholders). Here & Here

1791-1811: Rothschilds’ First Bank of the United States
1816-1836: Rothschilds’ Second Bank of the United States
1837-1862: Free Banking Era - no formal Central Bank through the efforts of President Andrew Jackson
1862-1913: System of National Banks through the efforts of President Andrew Jackson
1913-Current: Federal Reserve Act effects a consortium of privately held Jewish & associated banks called the Federal Reserve Bank. The largest shareholders of the Federal Reserve Bank are the Rothschilds of London holding 57% of the stock which is not available for public trading
On May 23 1933, Congressman Louis T. McFadden brought impeachment charges against the members of the Federal Reserve Bank. A smear campaign against McFadden ensued and he was poisoned 3 years later Here (Scroll Down).

Here are the Jews that control the government of America:
1) Ben Shalom Bernanke: Chairman of the Board of Governors of Federal Reserve. Term ends 2020.
2) Donald L. Kohn: Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of Federal Reserve. Term ends 2016.
3) Randall S. Kroszner: Member of Board of Governors of Federal Reserve.
4) Frederic S. Mishkin: Member of Board of Governors of Federal Reserve. Term ends 2014.
5) Alan Greenspan: Advisor to Board of Governors of Federal Reserve. Recent Chairman.

JEWISH BANKERS PRINT MONEY at heavily-armed & guarded Federal Reserve Bank buildings throughout the US. Then these Jewish bankers of the Federal Reserve Bank *loan* the money to the US government at *interest.*
Since the Federal Reserve Bank is privately owned, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (and all the others) is listed in Dun & Bradstreet. But according to Article I, Section 8 of the U. S. Constitution, only Congress has the right to issue money and regulate its value.
Thus it is *illegal* for private interests to issue US money. But because influential Jews like Paul Warburg and Jacob Schiff bribed into enactment the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the stockholders of the Federal Reserve Bank were to be kept a secret. Only recently have the Jewish stockholders of the Federal Reserve Bank come to light.
International cooperation with the Jew-owned Federal Reserve Bank has been intense to coordinate currency. In 1985, officials from the JP Morgan Bank of NY met with the Credit Lyonnais Bank of France. They established the European Currency Unit Banking Association (ECUBA) to get world cooperation for a unified currency.
In October 1987, the Association for the Monetary Union of Europe (AMUE), secretly met and recommended that the ECU (European Currency Unit) replace existing national currencies and that all European Central Banks be combined into one and issue the ECU as the official unified currency. This occurred in 1999 with the issuing of the Euro Here.
The plan of the international Jewish banking cabal is to have only 3 central banks in the world: The Federal Reserve Bank, the European Central Bank, and the Central Bank of Japan. All of these banks are headed by the Rothschilds.
Brother Nathanael Kapner
Source: “Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country,” by William Greider; “Controlling The Money,” Silver Bear Cafe Here
3 Oktober 2009 pukul 10.22
jewish are jewish, they will not changed when its come to gold and monies.
cannot use your shout box pal.