According to Forbes magazine, by 1998 Michael Dell was the seventh richest person on the planet, worth $16.5 billion, and also the youngest to have ever been listed on the Forbes 500 "rich list." He is the head of the Dell computer company, a direct-sales firm. Dell is an active philanthropist in the Austin, Texas, Jewish community. In 2001, Dell Ventures, a division of Dell Computers, announced plans to invest in hi-tech development in Israel. [GORDON, B., 1-21-01]
In 1998, Steve Ballmer became president of monopolistic computer software giant Microsoft. In 1999, he also became that company's CEO. He is the fourth richest man in America, worth $20.1 billion. Ballmer, whose mother is Jewish, has contributed a "generous" donation to the Jewish National Fund. [BERMAN, S., 4-21-2000, p. 1] And, as the Jewish Exponent observed in 1999, "Jewish employees [at Seattle-based Microsoft] estimate their number at 10 to 15 percent of the company." [MONO, B., 12-30-99, p. 1] Nate Kantor, became the president of MCI International in 1982, helping it to become a telecommunications giant. David Colburn, also Jewish, is the President of Business Affairs at the America Online internet server. Jan Brandt, also Jewish, is president of marketing for the same firm. [JEWHOO, 2000] Steven Kirsch founded Infoseek, one of the major Internet navigation services. [MOTHER JONES 3-5-01] After the merger of Internet access providers Netzero and Juno in 2001, the resulting company (United Online, Inc.) became the second largest Internet access provider, only behind AOL. The chairman and CEO of Netzero, and now United, is Mark Goldston. [REUTERS, 6-7-01]

In April 2001, Jewish movie mogul Terry Semel became the CEO of Yahoo. (He was, that same year, a co-chairman of the Israeli Film Festival). JEWISH POST, 2001]
In 1997, Andrew Grove, a Holocaust survivor worth $300 million today, was named Time magazine's "man of the year." Grove drew attention as chairman and CEO of Intel, a company that manufactures over 90% of the world's microprocessors. [EPHROSS, p. 22] Intel's popular Pentium II computer chip was developed at Intel's plant in Haifa, Israel. Israel's Digital Signal Processing company is also the world's largest manufacturer of customized computer chips." [FRANKEL, p. 274]) "After the Silicon Valley [the high-tech center in northern California] and Boston," notes Yaacov Yisraeli of the Israel America Chamber of Commerce, "Israel is the most important high tech area in the world." [ALBUM, 1999] IBM has one of its four world research centers there, as does Microsoft. In the Silcon Valley itself, notes the Jewish Bulletin of Northern California, it is "full of Israelis and Israeli high tech companies." [JEWISH BULLETIN OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA, 11-5-99, p. 24]
Among such entrepreneurs is David Gilo, an immigrant from Israel with dual American-Israeli citizenship, heads Vyyo Inc., a Silicon Valley telecommunications firm that sells "equipment that provides wireless, high-speed data connections to homes and businesses ... Gilo made headlines recently for his $100 million investment in Israeli start-ups, promoting Tel Aviv as the next Silicon Valley." David Shimmon's fortune is over $100 million, thanks to his investments in Kinetics Group, "a firm that makes equipment used in semiconductor manufacturing." Bernard Schwartz heads Loral Space and Communications (a prominent weapons firm that is branching out into telecommunications). [MOTHER JONES, 3-5-01]
ICQ ("I seek you") was a firm founded in Tel Aviv, Israel, "the brainchild of four Israeli computer programmers ... [Within six months] it claimed the title of world's largest online communication network." [NIESE, A., 11-15-01] Another Israeli computer company, StarBand, "is America's first consumer two-way, always-on, high-speed satellite Internet service provider." [CEO: Zur Feldman; President: David Trachtenberg]
[] Starband is part of the Israeli company Gilat Satellite Networks, Ltd.
Even Jewish-American Home Depot co-founder Bernard Marcus "is also working to link the Israeli economy to his home state. The country has the second-highest density of startups after Silicon Valley, and the hardware mogul has helped persuade state officials to offer the Israeli firms incentives to relocate in Georgia." [MOTHER JONES, 3-5-01]
Isabel Maxwell, daughter of corrupt British Jewish mogul Robert Maxwell, is "president of the Silicon Valley's hottest internet investment company" -- CommTouch ... The company was founded in 1991 by a group of technology-savvy former [Israeli] army officers led by Gideon Mantel, a bomb disposal expert ... [Ms. Maxwell] has a deep affinity for Israel ... CommTouch employs 400 staff. Its head office is in Silicon Valley. R&D sales are run from Tel Aviv." [CASSY, J., 6-22-00, p. 26]

A list of other Jewish computer barons must include Mitchell Kapor, who, as head of Lotus Developer Corporation (makers of Lotus 1-2-3 and Symphony software), was by 1988 "one of the highest paid CEOs in the United States." [HENDERSON, A., 6-13-88, p. T14] Another, Mark Cuban, sold, which includes Audio.Net, in 2000 for about a billion dollars. Herbert Becker, founder and CEO of BEE Multimedia, is a "strictly observant Jew ... [who] does not have a television in his home. That has not stopped him, however, from developing software that allows TV to be broadcast live on the Internet ... He claims to be the first to make this technology a reality." [ARNOLD, J., 9-7-00]
Then there is Lawrence Perlman, co-chairman of Seagate, "the world's largest disc-drive maker." [WALL STREET JOURNAL, 3-30-2000] John Roth is the CEO of prominent computer systems giant Nortel Networks. Benjamin Rosen, long time CEO of the company that sells the most computers, Compaq Computer, is "a pioneering figure in the personal computer industry and a founding investor in both Compaq Computer and Lotus Development." The CEO, President, and Chairman of rival Packard Bell NEC, the second-largest computer maker, was Beny Alagem, until he stepped down in 2000. He too is Jewish.
Lawrence Ellison is the CEO of Oracle Systems, Inc., the foremost producer of computer software for corporate databases. (Ellison has built a $150 million home in Woodside, California, featuring "a ten-building compound modeled after a Japanese imperial villa"). [LI, D., 4-1-01, p. 7] The aforementioned Michael Dell, head of Dell Computers, is one of the richest people on the planet. Sandy Lerner is the "founder of network software giant Cisco Systems." [WALSH, M., 12-23-96, p. 17] Irwin Jacobs founded and heads Qualcomm, Inc., "the telecommunications company [that] has grown to $3.3 billion in annual revenues by providing wireless telephone service, mobile satellite communications, and Internret software." [MOTHER JONES , 5-3-01] Stanley Kalms, also Jewish, heads Great Britain's largest Internet provider: Freeserve.
In Russia, Anatoly Karachinsky, Jewish like all the others noted here, is head of Information Business Systems and is "regarded in Russia as the country's answer to Bill Gates. [He] is about to become the country's first high-technology dollar millionaire." [FINANCIAL IMES, 10-2-01] Karachinsky "set up NewspaperDirect, a system that allows newspapers from anywhere in the world to be printed on a desktop." [FINANCIAL TIMES, 10-2-00]
Jewish American billionaires who are under 40 years old (who have made their fortunes in computers and high technology) include Rob Glaser, the CEO and Chairman of Real Networks (worth $2.27 billion); Monte Zweben, the Chairman, President, and CEO of Blue Martini Software (worth $1.69 billion); and Jerry Greenberg (co-CEO and co-founder of Sapient (worth $1.47 billion). Others with high-ranking fortunes who are under 40 include Eric Greenberg, Chairman of Scient (worth $603 million); Danny Lewin, co-founder and CTO of Akamai Technologies (worth $591 million at age 30), and Dan Snyder, head of Snyder Communications, (with $540 million). [DIBA/WATSON9-18-2000, p. 112-120] Among the above, Lewin was killed in the 2001 terrorist attack upon the World Trade Center. "In July," noted CNN, "Lewin was named one of the Top 10 people of the Enterprise Systems Power 100, a list of industry leaders chosen for their effect on the IT (information technology) landscape and for their ability to influence the industry's direction ... Born in Denver, Colorado, and raised in Jerusalem, Lewin is an officer in the Israel Defense Forces, having served in the country's military for more than four years." [SIEBERG, D., 9-11-01]
From: When Victims Rule. A Critique of Jewish Pre-eminence in America
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26 Agustus 2009 pukul 02.09
woww woww wowwww.. what a great long and gorgeous kinda article..!!! :twothumbs:
terus kapan kitanya bergerak kang klu semua sektor di kuasain jews ini...?!?!?
26 Agustus 2009 pukul 02.17
mungkin hal ini akan menjadi tantangan kita bersama bagaimana mengatasi dominasi Yahudi!! mulai dari cintai produk dalam negeri!!!!
26 Agustus 2009 pukul 06.46
wah klo bicara jews g ada selesainya..
cerdasnya dia memang sdh dikasih kelebihan oleh Tuhan YME,,biar tambah tamak..
kekuatan keuangan memang untuk menguasai dunia..
biarlah... biar menikmati dunia...
26 Agustus 2009 pukul 10.26
kunjugan balik
Nice Artikel Sob...
26 Agustus 2009 pukul 17.33
sebenernya aku ga mudeng yag inggris2 bos,tapi sip lah artikelnya.......
26 Agustus 2009 pukul 22.39
infaq & sodaqoh untuk saling membantu sesama blogger...i love you full..ha..ha..ha..ha..
26 Agustus 2009 pukul 23.27
waduh.. gua kena donk.!!
26 Agustus 2009 pukul 23.28
matab bro.......senyum balik neh.....?????
coment artikel balik yua.....
26 Agustus 2009 pukul 23.29
Yahudi ya..
kayaknya ni kaum dah di kutuk... tp kok masih idup ya.??
Oia.. $mile back was finished
26 Agustus 2009 pukul 23.51
ya begitulah yahudi,
smile back sob.,
27 Agustus 2009 pukul 00.22
Ya yg namanya Yahudu emang bangsa istimewa, tapi itu dulu sblm dia ngeyel ma Tuhan dan berkhianat, o ya bos aq dah senggol Anumu 1, senggol balik dong, cekidot dompetnya silakan
27 Agustus 2009 pukul 06.15
moga aja tidak terjadi pada bangsa kita sob..
27 Agustus 2009 pukul 09.02
google will do that..^^
27 Agustus 2009 pukul 11.51
wah, kliatanya dah ada tanda2 dekat dengan "new world order".
Bahaya !
27 Agustus 2009 pukul 23.15
comment di CBOX kok malah dilocked ya?..yo wis lah sing penting mau sodaqoh dulu disii demi kelangsungan online bloggernya
28 Agustus 2009 pukul 02.10
Aq setuju banget dulu Hittker nglakuin Holocaust ngebantai umat yahudi di Jerman. Menurut agama Yahudi, penganut di luar yahudi kedudukannya sama dengan binatang yang bisa diperlakukan semaunya. Sekarang pertanyaannya; siapa yang setuju disamakan dengan binatang? adakah yang berani jawab "setuju" ???
28 September 2009 pukul 12.32
damai itu indah
19 November 2009 pukul 18.01
Hmm..nice post,please visit back to my blog also